Limitada a 4000 unidades se encuentra vía online a través de Esta bolsa estará repleta de material exclusivo que no se encontrarán en otros lugares. Contiene dos vinilos dobles de actuaciones de Motörhead grabados en Nueva York y Manchester y que solo se podrán encontrar en esta bolsa. Además se incluye un pase laminado y un pedazo del telón de fondo utilizado en la gira "The Worlds Is Yours" del 2010/2011.
Manchester Apollo, Manchester, UK, Nov. 16, 2010
Cara A
1. We Are Motörhead
2. Stay Clean
3. Be My Baby
4. Get Back In Line
5. Rock Out
Cara B
1. Metropolis
2. Over the Top
3. One Night Stand
4. The Thousand Names of God
5. I Got Mine
Cara C
1. I Know How to Die
2. The Chase Is Better Than the Catch
3. In the Name of Tragedy
4. Just 'Cos You Got the Power
Cara D
1. Going to Brazil
2. Killed by Death (with Nina C. Alice)
3. Ace of Spades
4. Born to Raise Hell (with Michael Monroe)
5. Overkill
The Wörld Is Ours…
Best Buy Theater, New York, USA, Feb. 28, 2011
Cara A
1. We Are Motörhead
2. Stay Clean
3. Get Back In Line
4. Metropolis
5. Over The Top
Cara B
1. One Night Stand
2. Rock Out
3. The Thousand Names Of God
4. I Got Mine
Cara C
1. I Know How To Die
2. The Chase Is Better Than The Catch
3. In The Name Of Tragedy
4. Just Cos You Got The Power
Cara D
1. Going To Brazil
2. Killed By Death (feat Doro and Todd Youth)
3. Ace Of Spades
4. Overkill

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